Afilio: Care Level Dashboard

Afilio Gesellschaft für Vorsorge mbH

March - June 2021

Live beta version

Sketch, Miro, Amplitude, Hotjar


Afilio has two products that help users to apply for a Care Level (Pflegegrad), however users now need a dashboard to track the progress of their application.

My task was to design a dashboard to allow users to view their results from the existing Calculator and Request products, and guide them through what is normally a lengthy, bureaucratic process.

I was responsible for research, concept development, wireframing, implementation, A/B testing, data analysis and user testing. I worked together with Johanna Reinert, Jacqueline Abel, Robert Bausmert, and Philip Harms on this project.
Problem Statement

Overwhelmed family members need to quickly and easily apply for a care level in order to focus on the care of the person in need.

Care Level (Pflegegrad)

A Care Level determines which subsidies an insured person will receive from their German health insurance provider. As the level increases, e.g. level of disability, so does the amount of benefits available.

Care Level Calculator (Pflegegrad Rechner)

The Afilio Care level Calculator is a tool that calculates the Care Level likely to be approved by a health insurance provider.

Care Level Request (Pflegegrad Antrag)

The Afilio Care Level Request tool guides users through the process of completing the application form for a Care Level.
↕ Scroll image

Care Level Calculator - Success Page (Feb 2021)
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